Examples of Excellence
Congratulations are due to some of our middle school mathematicians this week as several qualified for the Colorado State Math Counts Competition. Cañon City Middle School's Jeff Kimmick and Baiza Mand will both go to the state competition in Littleton! Harrison's Thomas Manfredo actually placed 5th as an individual and will also go. The Harrison team of Thomas Manfredo, Rain Rosales, Jeremy Knighton, and Lily Rosales placed 2nd in the region. Great job Falcons and Hawks and a big thank you to your teachers for guiding you on this path!
On Friday I attended a quarterly Workplace Learning Board meeting and witnessed Cañon City High School teachers Mark Heinen and John Duston share what they are doing to prepare students for careers. Mr. Heinen has partnered with the folks at Tech Start to connect his students to internship and apprenticeship opportunities in technology coding. Mr. Duston shared the good work CCHS and Pueblo Community College are doing through Subaru University, guiding students to certification and automotive career readiness. I'm amazed at how much progress Cañon City High School is making toward the provision of authentic internship and apprenticeship experiences for all students and want to thank Principal Bill Summers and Regional Internship Coordinator Lisa Tedesko for their hard work on this front. Their good work has caught the attention of the Southern Colorado Superintendents Council and as a result, Bill and Lisa will present this good work at the next quarterly meeting.
The Cañon City Middle School staff is once again coordinating student visits to regional universities. Last week, depending on grade level, Falcons experienced life on campus at CSU-Pueblo and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Research shows adolescents who make campus visits gain a better understanding of college life and are more likely to enter higher education. We understand not all children will go to college after high school, but want to do all we can to arm each student with what it takes to get there, should that be their choice.
As always, our Cañon City High School Encore and Tiger Ladies show choirs put on fabulous mid-winter Dinner Theater performances. Thanks to CCHS Operations and Nutrition staff for their commitment to this annual effort. Setting up to serve nearly 400 meals, preparing food, and resetting tables for a second night, outside regular work hours, takes hard work and dedication. I can't thank you enough for your constant behind the scenes effort allowing our children to shine in front of our community. Great job!
On Friday I attended a quarterly Workplace Learning Board meeting and witnessed Cañon City High School teachers Mark Heinen and John Duston share what they are doing to prepare students for careers. Mr. Heinen has partnered with the folks at Tech Start to connect his students to internship and apprenticeship opportunities in technology coding. Mr. Duston shared the good work CCHS and Pueblo Community College are doing through Subaru University, guiding students to certification and automotive career readiness. I'm amazed at how much progress Cañon City High School is making toward the provision of authentic internship and apprenticeship experiences for all students and want to thank Principal Bill Summers and Regional Internship Coordinator Lisa Tedesko for their hard work on this front. Their good work has caught the attention of the Southern Colorado Superintendents Council and as a result, Bill and Lisa will present this good work at the next quarterly meeting.
The Cañon City Middle School staff is once again coordinating student visits to regional universities. Last week, depending on grade level, Falcons experienced life on campus at CSU-Pueblo and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Research shows adolescents who make campus visits gain a better understanding of college life and are more likely to enter higher education. We understand not all children will go to college after high school, but want to do all we can to arm each student with what it takes to get there, should that be their choice.
As always, our Cañon City High School Encore and Tiger Ladies show choirs put on fabulous mid-winter Dinner Theater performances. Thanks to CCHS Operations and Nutrition staff for their commitment to this annual effort. Setting up to serve nearly 400 meals, preparing food, and resetting tables for a second night, outside regular work hours, takes hard work and dedication. I can't thank you enough for your constant behind the scenes effort allowing our children to shine in front of our community. Great job!
The Focus of Our Work
This week Cañon City Schools staff engaged with CEBT representatives about health plan renewal costs. During the meeting, positive benefit changes were discussed, as well as what we can do as an entity to improve our annual risk factor. Renewal decisions are ultimately made by the Board of Education, but this was good collaborative work aimed at helping all parties understand the intricacies of health plan management and cost.
On Monday, Cañon City High School staff engaged Class of 2021 students and parents, guiding them to set up their next three years' schedules to earn pathways certification upon graduation. As part of the process, each of the four pathways had an opportunity to display their wares.
On Monday we conducted Harrison's annual K-8 instructional evlaution. We reviewed progress toward achievement of UIP goals, implementation of district reading and math initiatives, and processes for supporting at-risk and exceptional students. We are pleased with the establishment of a school vision, the overall quality of reading and math instruction, and the work being done through the building's BLT and PLC processes. The school's administrative team shared benchmark data related to reading and math, attendance, behavior, and failure rates. We are especially impressed with reading data and middle school indicators showing improved behavior and lower failure rates. We saw great instruction by classroom paraprofessionals, at times not being able to tell who the teacher and who the support staff were. We also took note of the great condition of the Harrison building; although it is now 12 years old, the operations staff continues to keep the building looking brand new.
On Monday, Cañon City High School staff engaged Class of 2021 students and parents, guiding them to set up their next three years' schedules to earn pathways certification upon graduation. As part of the process, each of the four pathways had an opportunity to display their wares.
On Monday we conducted Harrison's annual K-8 instructional evlaution. We reviewed progress toward achievement of UIP goals, implementation of district reading and math initiatives, and processes for supporting at-risk and exceptional students. We are pleased with the establishment of a school vision, the overall quality of reading and math instruction, and the work being done through the building's BLT and PLC processes. The school's administrative team shared benchmark data related to reading and math, attendance, behavior, and failure rates. We are especially impressed with reading data and middle school indicators showing improved behavior and lower failure rates. We saw great instruction by classroom paraprofessionals, at times not being able to tell who the teacher and who the support staff were. We also took note of the great condition of the Harrison building; although it is now 12 years old, the operations staff continues to keep the building looking brand new.
Override Progress
Last week Director of Technology Shaun Kohl, Director of Operations Jeff Peterson and I met with folks from Verizon Wireless and Kajeet to explore a proposal for putting wireless hot spots on high school activity buses next year. This would allow Cañon City High School activities participants to use their Chromebooks to keep up with school work when on trips. We will also explore setting up a system allowing overnight checkout of hotspots through the high school library to support students who lack internet access at home.
Next week members of the CCHS Tech Deployment Committee will attend the iLearn Collaborative state conference in Denver to explore ways to support staff in using technology for more engaging instruction.
Next week members of the CCHS Tech Deployment Committee will attend the iLearn Collaborative state conference in Denver to explore ways to support staff in using technology for more engaging instruction.
Bond Progress
Operations Director Jeff Peterson reports the following multi-facility repair projects that will get underway in the next month:
Also of interest, we are working with Travis Payne from the City of Cañon City to conduct lead testing of our school water systems. Excellent results came back last week for CCMS and Washington with both coming in well within normal ranges. In the coming months, Travis will support us in the process of testing the rest of our facilities.
Late last week, we met with representatives from Valley-Wide Health Services about establishing a school-based health center through a grant process. As a result, we are including space in the floor plan of our planned new Cañon City Middle School building. Such a facility available in a school right on Main Street will be of great benefit to students, staff, and community members.
- Continued work on the roofing project at the high school, expected to run through summer.
- Installation of a new intercom system at CES in mid-February.
- Installation of a new intercom system and blue button panic system at McKinley over spring break
- Installation of a blue button panic system at Lincoln over spring break.
Also of interest, we are working with Travis Payne from the City of Cañon City to conduct lead testing of our school water systems. Excellent results came back last week for CCMS and Washington with both coming in well within normal ranges. In the coming months, Travis will support us in the process of testing the rest of our facilities.
Late last week, we met with representatives from Valley-Wide Health Services about establishing a school-based health center through a grant process. As a result, we are including space in the floor plan of our planned new Cañon City Middle School building. Such a facility available in a school right on Main Street will be of great benefit to students, staff, and community members.
Last Week
On Monday we conducted the Harrison K-8 mid-year building evaluation site visit. We also held a school board work session and regular meeting. Tuesday was filled with meetings, including a District Leadership Team session and Calendar Committee after school. On Wednesday I met with classified associaiton leaders and peeked in on great professional development work taking place at Lincoln School for Science and Technology. I also attended our Regional Wellness Advisory Team meeting. On Thursday we met about district health benefits, I attended an El Pomar community planning meeting, I attended the CCHS Tech Deployment Committee meeting, and I met with several Mountain View Core Knowledge School board members about their potential BEST grant application. On Friday we held a meeting with Valley-Wide Health Services to talk about a possible school-based health center grant, and I met with families about expulsion recommendations.
This Week
On Tuesday morning I'll tour MVCKS with BEST regional representative Anna Fitzer, School Director Karen Sartori, and some MVCKS governing board members. Later that day I'll go to Fremont Middle School with a team to observe how they implement their one-to-one iPad program. I'll trek to Denver on Wednesday to testify in support of an expanded BEST funding bill. I'll remain in Denver the rest of the day Wednesday to work on finalizing our BEST grants, and then I'll attend the iLearn Collaborative Conference there with members of the CCHS Tech Deployment Team on Thursday and Friday. Before coming home on Friday I'll drop off our printed BEST grant submission at CDE offices.
Thanks for listening once again!
George S. Welsh
Thanks for listening once again!
George S. Welsh