Echoes from Cañon
Examples of Excellence

On Tuesday morning I had the pleasure of meeting with CCHS social studies teacher Daniel Coppa, along with our CASB student leaders in an attempt to tease out their vision of what the future of Cañon City High School should be. At this meeting I asked questions such as what do you hope to get out of high school, under what circumstances do you personally learn best, what do you hope your experiences at CCHS will prepare you for, and what key skills do you think you’ll need to be successful in life. Our end result was crafting a vision statement we can share with the Cañon 20-20 task force for consideration. It is as follows:
Cañon City High School students have the opportunity explore pathways of interest while gaining skills needed to be successful in any life endeavor, and while enjoying the many traditional high school experiences students and community members have come to value.
Our students will be able to . . .
-collaborate effectively.
-use knowledge and skills learned to solve real world problems creatively.
-participate in all aspects of our democratic system.
-secure good jobs and excel in any career they choose.
-communicate with others through multiple means.
-successfully navigate personal wellness issues.
Our staff will do this by. . .
-teaching content that is truly relevant to the future of our students.
-providing time and guidance for students to participate in deeper learning experiences.
-supporting student learning by clearly modeling what excellence is.
-encouraging students to learn from their mistakes, and through trial and error.
-offering students choice in what they learn, how they show what they have learned, and the direction the focus of their learning will take.
I met with the Cañon 20-20 task force on Wednesday evening to share this work, and to continue brainstorming a possible a transformation of the high school. I was truly invigorated by the work, as the task force has made a solid commitment to explore creating a system of career pathways for students. Before our meeting next month I'll work on a subcommittee whose task will be to build a straw design of what an instructional schedule might look like that establishes career pathways. Meanwhile, a second subcommittee will make a follow up visit to Mapleton School District’s Sky-View High School campus to learn more about how they began their transformation to offering pathways.
Cañon City High School students have the opportunity explore pathways of interest while gaining skills needed to be successful in any life endeavor, and while enjoying the many traditional high school experiences students and community members have come to value.
Our students will be able to . . .
-collaborate effectively.
-use knowledge and skills learned to solve real world problems creatively.
-participate in all aspects of our democratic system.
-secure good jobs and excel in any career they choose.
-communicate with others through multiple means.
-successfully navigate personal wellness issues.
Our staff will do this by. . .
-teaching content that is truly relevant to the future of our students.
-providing time and guidance for students to participate in deeper learning experiences.
-supporting student learning by clearly modeling what excellence is.
-encouraging students to learn from their mistakes, and through trial and error.
-offering students choice in what they learn, how they show what they have learned, and the direction the focus of their learning will take.
I met with the Cañon 20-20 task force on Wednesday evening to share this work, and to continue brainstorming a possible a transformation of the high school. I was truly invigorated by the work, as the task force has made a solid commitment to explore creating a system of career pathways for students. Before our meeting next month I'll work on a subcommittee whose task will be to build a straw design of what an instructional schedule might look like that establishes career pathways. Meanwhile, a second subcommittee will make a follow up visit to Mapleton School District’s Sky-View High School campus to learn more about how they began their transformation to offering pathways.
The Focus of Our Work

As part of our board’s annual process to evaluate the performance of the superintendent of schools, they are asking staff members, parents, and community members to take 10 minutes of their time to complete a survey designed to measure your perception of my performance. The board would would very much appreciate if you would advise them about things you think I do well, as well as anything you would like me to do differently in the future. To take the survey simply plug the following link into your web browser: If you complete this survey by the end of the day Friday, February 5th, the board will be able to take your opinion into account as it compiles my final evaluation and makes a decision on my contract renewal.
Our other main tasks right now include wrapping up mid year evaluation processes for teachers, administrators, and directors, while also piecing together a strong Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant application by February 26th, aimed at tackling many of the safety, security, and significant maintenance issues we face.
Our other main tasks right now include wrapping up mid year evaluation processes for teachers, administrators, and directors, while also piecing together a strong Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant application by February 26th, aimed at tackling many of the safety, security, and significant maintenance issues we face.
Last Week

On Monday I met with area school district representatives to share what we learned from our recent sexting issue. On Tuesday we had a BEST grant writing task force committee meeting, and then I met with some CCHS student leaders about their desires for the future of the school, before travelling to Springs for more salary study committee work. On Wednesday I attended a monthly 1451 Council meeting aimed at securing needed services for at-risk children and their families. That afternoon I attended a CES technology committee meeting and then a Cañon 20-20 task force meeting later that evening. On Thursday director of finance Buddy Lambrecht, facilities manager Jeff Peterson, and I attended a BEST facilities grant writing webinar. I then met with RE-2 and RE-3 superintendents along with director of student support services Paula Buser and wellness coordinator Kristi Elliott to make decisions regarding a Colorado Health Foundation Grant we are applying for. Buddy, Jeff, and I met with architects and builders later that day to work on updating our facilities master plan and to price some things we hope to include in our possible BEST grant application. On Friday I presented on how rural schools can best implement SB 191 style evaluations at a statewide principal leadership workshop that was held in Springs.
This Week

My main work on Monday will be meeting with several of our department directors to conduct their mid-year evaluations, and also preparing for our board work session and regular meeting that will take place that evening. Tuesday brings about a BEST grant writing task force committee in the morning and a regular leadership team meeting in the afternoon. On Wednesday morning I’ll be in Pueblo for a monthly southern superintendents gathering. I’ll then work all afternoon preparing for several upcoming mid-year building reviews. On Thursday I’ll attend a PCC advisory committee meeting, and conduct more mid-year director evaluations. I may have to change these plans to run up to Denver to testify on a bill aimed at increasing the ability of the BEST facilities board to finance large construction projects through its grant program. On Thursday evening we have our next Facilities Corp meeting and on Friday I will be at the ACCESS Center all day for a Project Launch grant planning retreat. I look forward to taking that opportunity to learn more about how our regional early childhood programs are operated.
Thanks for listening once again!
George S. Welsh
Thanks for listening once again!
George S. Welsh