Cañon City thrives through adventurous spirit, dynamic people, innovative schools, and historic charm.
Echoes from Cañon
Our Mission
The Cañon City School District is future-focused, providing innovative educational opportunities to successfully prepare all students to meet any challenge they may face.
The Cañon City School District is future-focused, providing innovative educational opportunities to successfully prepare all students to meet any challenge they may face.
Our Core Beliefs
1. We meet the social-emotional needs of all students, putting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs before Bloom’s Taxonomy.
2. We believe learning growth matters most, requires risk-taking, and the work we do in our schools has the greatest impact on this.
3. We’re future-focused, believing the development of certain traits and skills will best prepare our students for ever-changing careers.
4. We emphasize what is good for kids over the needs and comfort of adults.
1. We meet the social-emotional needs of all students, putting Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs before Bloom’s Taxonomy.
2. We believe learning growth matters most, requires risk-taking, and the work we do in our schools has the greatest impact on this.
3. We’re future-focused, believing the development of certain traits and skills will best prepare our students for ever-changing careers.
4. We emphasize what is good for kids over the needs and comfort of adults.
Our Core Beliefs in Action
It is exciting to announce that Cañon City High School's Lucille Grooters was nominated for, and will receive the Dairy Max Colorado Spirit Award from the Colorado High School Activities Association. Each year this honor is bestowed upon four student participants. Three of the finalists will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and one overall All-Star receives a $2,500 scholarship. The criteria for selection are participant leadership qualities within and outside of school. Awards got to high school seniors with a 2.5 or higher GPA who participate in a CHSAA sanctioned organization. Congratulations, Luci, you are truly deserving.
The Cañon City School District Gifted and Talented Education team has been hard at work establishing a Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented (CAGT) regional affiliate. Several weeks ago we learned they have been accepted as an affiliate and their name will be LARA CAGT - Lower Arkansas River Affiliate of Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented. They have even elected officers, including Cañon City's Steven Carter (president), Nikki Laughlin (Vice President), and Shyla Christiansen
(Secretary/Treasurer). LARA has its first event planned for September 17th and 18th when they'll provide a guest speaker for our annual Educate GATE Night.
Harrison Principal Marne Autobee recently shares a nice note she received from a parent offering a shout out to Emily Bussell, Janet Hilgado Karin Steadman, Chelsea Loder Suzanne Cooper. It stated, "they have been extremely helpful answering my numerous emails. Mrs. Bussell video chatted with my son today to help him with a math problem he was stuck on. I can truly see they all care about their students. Checking on them, making sure they know they are missed, telling them they are there for them. It truly touches my heart as his mother. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Hats off to all of you at Harrison!!
There are so many stories like this to share as we celebrate Educator Appreciation Week 2020.
The Cañon City School District Gifted and Talented Education team has been hard at work establishing a Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented (CAGT) regional affiliate. Several weeks ago we learned they have been accepted as an affiliate and their name will be LARA CAGT - Lower Arkansas River Affiliate of Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented. They have even elected officers, including Cañon City's Steven Carter (president), Nikki Laughlin (Vice President), and Shyla Christiansen
(Secretary/Treasurer). LARA has its first event planned for September 17th and 18th when they'll provide a guest speaker for our annual Educate GATE Night.
Harrison Principal Marne Autobee recently shares a nice note she received from a parent offering a shout out to Emily Bussell, Janet Hilgado Karin Steadman, Chelsea Loder Suzanne Cooper. It stated, "they have been extremely helpful answering my numerous emails. Mrs. Bussell video chatted with my son today to help him with a math problem he was stuck on. I can truly see they all care about their students. Checking on them, making sure they know they are missed, telling them they are there for them. It truly touches my heart as his mother. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Hats off to all of you at Harrison!!
There are so many stories like this to share as we celebrate Educator Appreciation Week 2020.
Our Future Focus
This is Teacher Appreciation Week and in Cañon City we choose to celebrate it as Educator Appreciation Week because we know, as amazing and important as our teacher corps is, everyone throughout our school system contributes to positive student outcomes.
Below is a message our Board of Education shared with our staff this week, along with a nice gift certificate good for purchase at one of our locally owned businesses who have been long time supporters of our programs.
The Board of Education of Cañon City Schools thanks you for supporting our mission by living our core beliefs.
As each of you is doing for our kids, please accept this virtual hug and expression of love from us. Your tenacious and agile reaction to this crisis has earned our deepest gratitude!
Though hurdles line your paths, from navigating stay at home and social distancing restrictions to taking care of your loved ones while conducting work duties, you are doing your part to ensure the basic needs of our children are met, providing them food, basic learning supplies, advanced technology, internet access, and love!
To our heroic Nutrition Services workers. You put yourself at risk to ensure others get what they need. Thank you for this collaborative contribution you are making to ensure the wellness of our children. Thank you!
To our transportation, technology, and operations staff. Though you work in the shadows, you have been essential to our mission. Your solution-seeking is key to keeping others safe and healthy. Your effort has kept learning going and will soon lead to opening our doors once again. Thank you!
Below is a message our Board of Education shared with our staff this week, along with a nice gift certificate good for purchase at one of our locally owned businesses who have been long time supporters of our programs.
The Board of Education of Cañon City Schools thanks you for supporting our mission by living our core beliefs.
As each of you is doing for our kids, please accept this virtual hug and expression of love from us. Your tenacious and agile reaction to this crisis has earned our deepest gratitude!
Though hurdles line your paths, from navigating stay at home and social distancing restrictions to taking care of your loved ones while conducting work duties, you are doing your part to ensure the basic needs of our children are met, providing them food, basic learning supplies, advanced technology, internet access, and love!
To our heroic Nutrition Services workers. You put yourself at risk to ensure others get what they need. Thank you for this collaborative contribution you are making to ensure the wellness of our children. Thank you!
To our transportation, technology, and operations staff. Though you work in the shadows, you have been essential to our mission. Your solution-seeking is key to keeping others safe and healthy. Your effort has kept learning going and will soon lead to opening our doors once again. Thank you!
To our support staff. From secretaries keeping our schools running to paraprofessionals who brighten the day of our neediest children. Your worth has always been apparent, and the agency and communication you display are key to offering learning opportunities for students. Thank you!
To our teachers. You have taken on the challenge to use the digital tools the community has placed in your hands in innovative ways we never imagined. Despite the challenges, your efforts grow the knowledge of students in your care. Your display of integrity and civility is inspirational. Thank you!
To our leaders. You have empowered others to do whatever it takes to keep children learning, reflectively adjusting expectations, and focusing not on what we can't accomplish, but on what we can. Thank you!
One of our greatest pleasures is making our way around to worksites to honor you in person. Though we can't do so now, we are with you in spirit. Words can't express the gratitude we feel for all you are doing.
When the time is right, take this token of appreciation and treat yourself. Do so in support of our wonderful community partners, struggling like we are, who have always been there for our children. As you use it, do so knowing we truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Thank you!
Your Board of Education
Shad Johnson-President
Mary Kay Evans-Vice President
Robin Reeser-Secretary
Beth Gaffney-Treasurer
Mike Near-Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
To our teachers. You have taken on the challenge to use the digital tools the community has placed in your hands in innovative ways we never imagined. Despite the challenges, your efforts grow the knowledge of students in your care. Your display of integrity and civility is inspirational. Thank you!
To our leaders. You have empowered others to do whatever it takes to keep children learning, reflectively adjusting expectations, and focusing not on what we can't accomplish, but on what we can. Thank you!
One of our greatest pleasures is making our way around to worksites to honor you in person. Though we can't do so now, we are with you in spirit. Words can't express the gratitude we feel for all you are doing.
When the time is right, take this token of appreciation and treat yourself. Do so in support of our wonderful community partners, struggling like we are, who have always been there for our children. As you use it, do so knowing we truly appreciate each and every one of you.
Thank you!
Your Board of Education
Shad Johnson-President
Mary Kay Evans-Vice President
Robin Reeser-Secretary
Beth Gaffney-Treasurer
Mike Near-Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Our Focus on Safety and Wellness
As many of our local businesses are doing, we too are taking baby steps toward opening our doors to the general public. Beginning Monday, May 4th, the Cañon City School District Administration Building will be open to visitors under the following provisions, approved by Fremont County Department of Public Health:
Safety Measures for Lobby Area:
Safety Measures for Lobby Area:
- The hours of operation will be 10 AM-2 PM Monday through Friday.
- Only the lobby area will be open to the public. For the time being, seating has been removed to promote social distancing.
- Signs outlining building entry requirements have been placed in the front window and in the lobby area.
- Caution tape marks our 6-foot social distancing requirement.
- Hand sanitation and mask stations have been placed at the entry and all visitors will be required to use them upon entering.
- No more than 10 individuals will be allowed in the lobby at one time.
- Public restrooms will be closed.
- Everyone who can carry out their work duties from home is directed to continue to do so.
- Employees will be provided with a symptom tracker to complete each day that they work in or enter the office.
- Employees who are sick are expected not to come to work.
- When interacting with the public or with groups of other employees, facemasks will be worn.
- All work stations and desks will be at least 6 feet apart.
- All employees will maintain at least 6 feet distance from visitors and co-workers.
- Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available at stations throughout the building including the break room and common areas.
- Employees are encouraged to frequently wash hands and sanitize frequently touched surfaces.
- Our custodian will clean and sanitize the entire building every evening.
- Hand sanitizer is available in all company vehicles and must be used upon entering the vehicle.
- The number of occupants in a vehicle will be limited to maximize social distancing.
- Occupants will wear a facemask or cloth when in a vehicle containing more than 1 person.
- When possible, windows will remain open to increase ventilation.
- All high contact surfaces of the vehicle will be disinfected at the end of each day.
The Last Two Weeks
Unfortunately, my work schedule was so busy last week that I was unable to publish an installment of Echoes from Cañon. During the past two weeks, I touched base with Director of Student Support Services Paula Buser and Assistant Superintendent of Schools Adam Hartman about reopening our administrative office, attended Opportunity Coalition, Pikes Peal Alliance, and Rural Alliance legislative advocacy calls, did some classroom, professional development, and general Google Meet surfing, attended an RE-2/RE-3 regional collaborative exploration meeting, conducted director meetings, attended area superintendent meetings and an Early Childhood Leadership Commission meeting, attend the monthly Colorado School Finance Project meeting, conducted a virtual Compass Committee meeting, worked on my annual evaluations of principals, met with groups of CCHS students who are working on public policy and capstone projects, and communicated to the board, staff, and public in a variety of ways.
This Week
My goals for this week include completing all evaluation documents for principal evaluations and meeting virtually with each building leader, holding a director meeting, brainstorming various scenarios with building leaders for opening schools this fall, dropping in on staff meetings to support our Board in honoring educators, virtually attending the annual PEBC superintendent forum, attending a virtual CASB regional gathering, phoning Opportunity Coalition and Pikes Peak Alliance advocacy meetings, meeting in person with our architect Doug Abernathy, and attending a CCHS capstone evaluation training session.
Other Voices
In honor of Educator Appreciation Week, I want to share another nice note I received from an appreciative parent!
Good Morning, George!
I woke up this morning and felt I should email you about all the support the school district has provided the community over the past several weeks! I received a robocall from the district yesterday about the school supply giveaway on Tuesday. I also recall the one about the availability of canned goods!
When we went to pick up Daphne's stuff at Washington, I was amazed the district had provided her with a brand-new Chromebook for her schoolwork! Our oldest granddaughter, Jessica, has needed some tech support from the high school several times and all her issues have been resolved quickly.
While I have been vocal about issues I disagree with, it is time to acknowledge the district for all its hard work. Thank you to all the staff who are working so hard. You got the kids' backs!
Denise Jennings
Thank you, Denise, for these words of encouragement. As you can imagine, not all has gone as planned. However, because we have so many amazing people working for us, our kids are generally coping with their difficult circumstances, and they are certainly still learning!
. . . and thanks to all for listening once again.
George S. Welsh
Good Morning, George!
I woke up this morning and felt I should email you about all the support the school district has provided the community over the past several weeks! I received a robocall from the district yesterday about the school supply giveaway on Tuesday. I also recall the one about the availability of canned goods!
When we went to pick up Daphne's stuff at Washington, I was amazed the district had provided her with a brand-new Chromebook for her schoolwork! Our oldest granddaughter, Jessica, has needed some tech support from the high school several times and all her issues have been resolved quickly.
While I have been vocal about issues I disagree with, it is time to acknowledge the district for all its hard work. Thank you to all the staff who are working so hard. You got the kids' backs!
Denise Jennings
Thank you, Denise, for these words of encouragement. As you can imagine, not all has gone as planned. However, because we have so many amazing people working for us, our kids are generally coping with their difficult circumstances, and they are certainly still learning!
. . . and thanks to all for listening once again.
George S. Welsh